Zehner, C. (2020), ‘Central Project Evaluation - Resilient and Inclusive Urban Development, Bangladesh’, Bonn.


GIZ Ukraine (2019), ‘Public Participation – Approaches and Experiences from Eastern Ukraine for Involving Citizens in Municipal Development’, Kiev.


Scheffler, N., Zehner, C. (2016), ‘Towards the New Urban Agenda in Latin America – Contributions of GIZ to Environmentally Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development’, Quito.


Fokdal, J., Zehner, C. (eds.) (2015), ‘Resilient Cities. Urban Disaster Risk Management in Serbia’, Berlin.


Government of Nepal - Department for Urban Development and Building Construction / Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (2014), ‘Training Series for Local Bodies in Nepal’ (14 thematic modules on infrastructure, finance and governance), Kathmandu.

(Vol 1: General Trainer’s Handbook; Vol 2: Training module: Subproject Implementation; Vol 3: Training module: Operation and Maintenance; Vol 4: Training module: Social Safeguards; Vol 5: Training module: Environmental Safeguards; Vol 6: Training module: Technical Training; Vol 7: Training module: Procurement Plan; Vol 8: Training module: Procurement of Services; Vol 9: Training module: Procurement of  Works; Vol 10: Training module: Revenue Improvement Action Plan; Vol 11: Training module: Financial Management; Vol 12: Training module: Good Governance Vol 1; Vol 13: Training module: Participatory Planning and Budgeting; Vol 14: Training module: Civic Oversight and Social Accountability)


Government of Nepal - Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (2014), ‘Institutional Development for Emerging Towns in Nepal’, Kathmandu.


Kochendörfer, B., Pahl-Weber, E. Born, L., Aßmann, U., Zehner, C. (eds.) (2013), ‘Future Megacities’ (book series with 6 volumes on Energy, Mobility, Planning, Local Action, Resources, Capacity Development), Berlin.

(Vol 1: Energy and Sun - Sustainable Energy Solutions for Future Megacities; Vol 2: Mobility and Transportation - Concepts for Sustainable Transportation in Future Megacities; Vol 3: Capacity Development Approaches for Future Megacities; Vol 4: Local Action and Participation - Approaches and Lessons Learnt from Participatory Projects and Action Research in Future Megacities; Vol 5: Space, Planning, and Design - Integrated Planning and Design Solutions for Future Megacities; Young Research Forum - Research Papers for Future Megacities on Governance, Water, Planning, and Mobility)


Born, L., Zehner, C. (eds.) (2012), ‘Urban Regeneration of Hidden World Heritage in L'viv’, Berlin.


Bürkner, H.-J., Zehner, C. (2012), ‘Technological Recesses y Raíces Locales de Place-Making: tres Estudios de Casos Urbanos’ in Bürkner, H.-J.; Ochoa, H. (eds.), ‘Gobernanza y Gestión del Agua en el Occidente de México: La Metrópoli de Guadalajara’, Tlaquepaque.


Zehner, C. (2011), ‘Alternative Formen des lokalen Wassermanagements in der Metropolregion Guadalajara - Potenziale und Risiken nicht-staatlicher Versorgung‘ in Alfaro, Imilan, Sanchez (eds.), ‚Urbanes Lateinamerika nach dem Verstädterungsrausch‘, Berlin.


Fokdal, J., Zehner, C. (eds.) (2011), ‘Improving Informal Settlements in Cairo’, Berlin.


Zehner, C. (2010), ‘Akteursvielfalt im städtischen Wassermanagement‘, Trialog 105, 2/2010, 17-22.


Ley, A., Zehner C. (eds.) (2009), ‘Improving Urban Governance in Bangladesh’, Berlin.


Moss, T., Zehner, C. (2007), ‘Place-based solutions for sustainable water management in the emerging mega-city of Guadalajara’, Trialog 92, 1/2007, 32-33.


Zehner, C. (2007), ‘Dezentralisierung und partizipative Gemeindeplanung in Bolivien‘, Berlin.


Hoffmann, H., Zehner, C. (2002), ‘Grünzeit - Zwischennutzung von Brachflächen‘, München.


PLANEK Berlin (eds.) (1999), 'Metropolis – urban scenery for a global future', Berlin.